Monday, November 27, 2006

Proposal for Final:
I'm not sure how to begin this project. I first thought of illustrating certain scenes I had found interesting in the book, but that idea was shot down, not entirely though.... Then I thought maybe I could use a map and the Chinese compass (feng shui, mentioned in the book)as a collage to interpret Tsung Tsai's journey.......using illustrations.? I'm still not quite sure how I want to approach this project. This is what I've come up with so far...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Words for scholar rock

1) Expression
2) Depth
3) Labrynth
4) Jagged
5) Wilderness
6) Morphing
7) Movement
8) Abstraction
9) Life
10) Mystrious
11) Complicated
12) Gray
13) Lines
14) Reflection
15) Wonder